Welcome! We hope this forum facilitates communications within NEOMTA. Teachers, parents, and students are all welcome to participate. NEOMTA members - this is your chance to make your voice heard! Let us know your thoughts and concerns. In doing so, please maintain a respectful and constructive attitude.
The Basics
Use the following "gates of speech" to determine if a comment is appropriate. Before you post, ask yourself:
Is it true?
Is it necessary?
Is it kind?
"Is it true?" Everyone exaggerates, elaborates, and stretches ideas that they believe in. Discussions within this community will be so much more productive and meaningful if we can self-regulate for accuracy and honesty. While opinions and judgments are welcome, please distinguish between that which is true, and that which merely feels true.
"Is it necessary?" We encourage members to make posts that actively add to the conversation.
"Is it kind?" This one is self-explanatory. A post is much more likely to be received by your readers if you put yourself in their place first and determine if you are communicating with empathy. As educators, we ought to be expert at this part!
Other Rules
1. No politics
2. No religion
3. Use subject headlines
We will add to this section as necessary. For now, let's keep it simple :-)